Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Practice Makes Perfect

In class today, we completed mock interviews. I really enjoyed this activity, and thought it was great practice. Four of our peers were interviewers while the rest of the class were interviewees. Being that it was in our classroom, among our friends and colleagues, I didn't think I would be stressed. Wow, was I wrong! When I walked into class, everyone came dressed for the part which added some intimidation factor, and I was actually very nervous. I think the atmosphere really transformed into an interview setting. We were unsure of what the interviewers were going to ask us, and we were unsure of how qualified our competition was. We sat in groups, and each interviewer came to each group. In the interview I found myself trying to answer questions to the best of my ability, and listening to my peers on their answers. It felt like a real interview. I really enjoyed this simulation and I think it bettered my understanding in the interview process. I have been on job interviews before, but none for an education position. I enjoyed that the questions were based on our activities and lessons we completed this semester. I believe it wasn't only good practice, but a good review of the entire semester. Based on the practice in this setting, I hope one day I will be able to look back on this experience and see how it bettered me for actual experiences. Hopefully one day this experience will help me say.....


1 comment:

  1. Melissa,

    You are very right by stating that the mock interview gave us great practice! I was very nervous for this as well as it did give the same feeling as a real interview. The questions were based directly on what we learned throughout the semester so it gave us a great opportunity to use that knowledge and show off our skills!
