Wednesday, March 16, 2016

All Good Things Come to an End...

The last fieldwork group preformed their lessons today. I LOVED their lesson on voting. The students loved hearing what each candidate had to offer. I thought the voting booth, and the students voting was awesome! The students loved it, and really understood it. They knew they couldn't tell each other who they voted for, and that their voice was being heard. I think this has definitely prepared them for real-life, and their voting rights. 

Today was our last fieldwork day. I am sad because it was such a great experience. I think the quote above perfectly explains this situation. Although this fieldwork experience is ending, our new beginning as teachers is starting! I am very excited for this next chapter. I feel this course has bettered my, and ultimately prepared my so well for my future. This was the first fieldwork experience where I wasn't with one group of students, but teaching a whole class. Since it was the last day, we gave the students certificates. We called each of them up to receive their recognition. I think the students really enjoyed their time with us. We all enjoyed our time with them too. 

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