Tuesday, February 16, 2016

*Snow Day*

Spring semester always seems to be a tough one. Last Spring semester it seemed as though we could not catch a break from snow, this year hasn't been too bad! Today, we were supposed to go to a fieldwork session at Bishop Dunn Memorial School. Unfortunately,  the snow had cancelled their school day. Dr. Smirnova informed us we would be having a "virtual classroom." I was not too sure about what that meant, but after experiencing this type of setting, I loved it! It was run by Dr. Smirnova via a video chat and the rest of the class was incorporated via their own video chats. I really enjoyed it. Dr. Smirnova would ask a question, and then the class would respond via chat response or voice response. The site looked like this picture below. 

This was a great experience for us to go through. In this day and age, technology is key to a classroom. Although I don't think we could use this setting with elementary school students, peers colleagues, or parents could use this service. It is another type of technology tool I have learned from Dr. Smirnova's class. Below are some screen shots from the virtual classroom day!  

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