Friday, April 8, 2016

Pre-Test and Post-Test

We conducted both a pre-test and a post-test in our fieldwork experience. I have learned so much about the importance of both assessments. The pre-test is used to assess what the students already know about the topic we are teaching. From the results of that pre-test, the teacher can then revise her lesson plan to cater to the needs of all her students. The teacher then teaches the objectives set out for her throughout the unit plan. After the unit plan, the teacher administers a post-test. The post test is a guide to see how well the students retained and learned the information. It is also a guide for the teacher. The teacher can reflect on her teaching and see what he/she may need to change in the future. I enjoyed the article, Pretests; Importance and Uses of Pretests, on the benefits of creating and administering pretests. Pretests can be extremely beneficial for not only the teacher, but also the student.

I enjoyed this video on pre-tests and post-tests. It shows that after completing the pre-tests, students can set goal for themselves. The goals can push the students to better themselves throughout the lesson, and ace the post-test.

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