Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day One √

I made it through the first day of Social Studies Methods class! I am overwhelmed to say the least, but I know through this course I will become a better teacher, and become more comfortable in the social studies classroom, which is the ultimate goal. I liked Dr. Smirnova's honesty, in saying that this will be a rigorous course, but the outcomes far outweigh the temporary struggles. I also found comfort in reading the letters from previous students regarding this course.  Most of the letters said that this course was tough, but by the end of this course the technology skills you will learn will be immense. This makes me excited! I have always struggled with technology, and it was always a source that worked me up. Through this course I am hoping to become more comfortable in the technology area. I want to be the best teacher I can be, and I know with that comes the responsibility of knowings all the newest technology. Knowing the latest technology can help bring the most to your classroom, and bring learning to life for your students.

We were asked to view this video to the left, A Vision of K-12 Students Today. I really enjoyed watching this video. It showed the difference in classrooms today, as opposed to a couple years ago. It is no surprise that todays technology has deeply impacted teaching and learning alike. The video shows students with personal messages of surprising 21st century statistics. These statistics from 21st century learners show how we as teachers have to change our classrooms into 21st century learning environments. These students have had access to computers since they were toddlers, and they expect all of their learning to incorporate some sort of technology aspect. Based on comments I have heard prior to stepping in this classroom, and what I learned on the first day, I have no doubt in my mind that I will come out of the class with all of the necessary tools I need to create a 21st century classroom, and a positive and effective learning environment for my students.

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